CDQ Data Quality as Service

Idea Portal

"Bank Trust Score Check" - search results also through iban components, if the iban is known

Hi Team,

As a user, I would like the other search fields that refer to the IBAN to also display a result if an IBAN is available and the search vaule is part of it.

what if there is more than one IBAN result for the search query? If there are more than one IBAN, then for the first step it would be enough to show an error before we are implementing a result page with a selection (long hanging fruit) :P...


If you open the "Bank Trust Score App" and click on "click here to fill the form with example data." It will add a Swiss-Iban; CH8800781619278412000. Your Search will give a successfull result. In the results, you can beside the trustscore see also the "National Bank Account Number: 619278412000". See Screenshot 1

If you now start a new search and select as country = CH and type in the "National Bank Account Number: 619278412000". You will not get a result. See Screenshot 2

This would lead to an immense added value especially for brazilian accounts, as they have to be laboriously added up by customers, because in their system the national bank accounts are used. (Brasilian IBAN)

This was reported by one of my customers. They are using the App to check, if brasilian accounts are trustworthy. Unfourtunatly they never got a result. They use in their systems for brazil not the iban, so they currently have to bring the peaces together, before they can use our app.



  • Onur Dinc
  • Dec 7 2021
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files
  • +2