CDQ Data Quality as Service

Idea Portal

Restrict Input Fields when entering Fraud Case Information (IBAN)

In the Fraud Prevention Community a topic arose regarding the shared fraud cases. Currently, no input field has any kind of restriction. In order to comply with our, by nature of being in the DQ business, high standards regarding data quality, it would make sense to restrict for at least the IBAN field. There are several ways on how to check this:

1.) use the Bank Data Checks that are conceptionalized in the CDQ Wiki (

2.) use a input restriction within the frontend by using a regex providing a limitation based on the IBAN structure with the least amount of digits behind the two letters

3.) Use a free service (API) which is provided online, such as

Thanks and best regards,


  • Guest
  • Nov 4 2021
  • Completed
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  • +4