CDQ Data Quality as Service

Idea Portal

Enable "fuzzy" search for "bank trust score check"

We need a way to improve the Matching. Due to lack of validation rules for the entered format of IBAN, BIC etc. we should allow the user to browse through similiar results in our DB.

Pain: Currently, there is a risk that there is no match, even though it would be a match.

  • Human error, because an additional digit is entered.

  • In the customer system or during the submission, the bank data are enriched with additional digits.

Idea: as in the "Lookup App", hits are displayed as a list with a "matching score" and the user can click through the similar hits and check whether there is actually an input error. If the User is clicking on one of the results, the currently used "detail page" with the Trust score will be displayed.


  • Onur Dinc
  • Mar 17 2022
  • Needs review
  • Attach files
  • +2