CDQ Data Quality as Service

Idea Portal

Legal Entity Curation: address type selection

As a user, I would like to receive address data in the legal entity curation report for the highest overall similarity score, regardless of the address type.

To achieve this, changes in the way data is collected in the processing log would be necessary.

Currently, for the ‘legal entity curation,’ the processing log can contain several address types (see the attached screenshot).

However, the ‘request similarity’ is recorded for only one of these types, with the choice being made based on a prioritization of address types: LEGAL > REGISTERED (deprecated) > VAT_REGISTERED. This results in cases where the address curation results included in the Excel report may come from a record with a lower overall similarity score than the maximum possible.

To address this, the approach should be adjusted so that the ‘request similarity’ reflects the highest possible overall similarity score, and the current prioritization of address types should be applied only when there are multiple types with the same overall score.

Additionally, to enhance clarity and ensure accurate population of the Excel report, the ‘request similarity’ should also include information about the address type (address type technical key) for which the matching results were recorded.

  • Łukasz Jastak
  • Aug 14 2024
  • Needs review
  • Attach files