CDQ Data Quality as Service

Idea Portal

Croatia - New rule request: Identify inconsistencies between the HR_OIB and EU_VAT_ID_HR

HR - Rule "Inconsistency between HR_OIB and EU_VAT_ID_HR" / WARNING

EU_VAT_ID_HR consists of HR_OIB with HR-Prefix!

OIB number corresponding to VAT number without HR letters. Has to be mandatory, so the rule category would be identifier missing and then rule name Identifier missing (OIB number Croatia) HR1 tax number field is related to the OIB and OIB is VAT without HR

The Personal identification number (Croatian: Osobni identifikacijski broj or OIB) is a permanent national identification number of every Croatian citizen and legal persons domiciled in the Republic of Croatia.

  • Simon Schlosser
  • Apr 9 2024
  • Planned
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