CDQ Data Quality as Service

Idea Portal

DQ monitoring / Benchmarking improvements

Not all DQ rules should apply for all BP Types (e.g. requiring identifiers for pick-up locations), many of our community members maintain such locations as separate partners (with a certain type). Identifiers can not be assigned to them because they are often not uniquely related to a legal entity, e.g. carrier locations. If all types are rated by the same quality rules this will have a negative impact on the rating.

Solution ideas:

  1. Make benchmarking more granular (e.g. based on BP Type)

  2. Only use shared records for benchmarking

  3. Make it possible to exclude certain records from benchmarking

  • Josef Reissner
  • Jul 13 2022
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files
  • Josef Reissner commented
    November 28, 2022 08:32

    The same applies for different addresses of a BP. It should be possible to assign have different validation criteria for the different address types A PO Box Address, e.g. might not need an administrative area but the legal address should.

  • Josef Reissner commented
    October 21, 2022 12:14

    For benchmarking different quality gates for different BP Types should be used.

  • Josef Reissner commented
    October 21, 2022 11:44

    Correction of point 2: "Disclosed" not "shared" is meant.

  • Josef Reissner commented
    July 14, 2022 05:33

    Additional requirements:

    • Only "real" companies must be compared (no 100%, 0% data quality organizations).

    • It should be possible to select multiple sources at once (and their names should be displayed in the filtering, not just the IDs).

  • Josef Reissner commented
    July 14, 2022 04:21

    Natural Persons should also not be checked for identifier existance.