CDQ Data Quality as Service

Idea Portal

Add column data source to Data Mirror Validation Reports

Currently we have same external IDs for both KNA1 and LFA1 - it would be great if we can see in the Validation Reports both the external ID + data source name

  • Tobias Pentek
  • Oct 5 2020
  • Completed
  • Attach files
  • Lorna Sequerah commented
    November 25, 2020 09:22

    I have the almost the same requirement.

    I would like to request also the following columns:

    1. Vendor or Customer Account Group

    2. Table or File source name

    3. One or Two generic columns that can be used for reference

    We should be able to upload a file to storage with these additional fields.

    In the Data Validation app, would be great if we can select fields to be included or excluded for Data Validation checks.
