CDQ Data Quality as Service

Idea Portal

Possible data sources for china and vietnam


K+N proposed possible data sources for china & vietnam:


  • China National Enterprise Credit Information Publicity System (CN ECIS): This is the official government database of registered companies in China. It provides a wealth of information on each company, including its name, address, registration number, business scope, and financial information. However, the data is not always up-to-date or accurate.

  • Qixin: This is a commercial company that provides subscription-based access to company register data from China. It is generally considered to be more accurate and up-to-date than CN ECIS, but it is also more expensive.

  • 天眼查 (Tianyancha): This is a Chinese search engine that allows users to search for company information from a variety of sources, including CN ECIS and Qixin. It is a free service, but some of the information is only available to paid subscribers.


  • Cổng thông tin quốc gia về đăng ký doanh nghiệp (National Business Registration Information Portal): This is the official government database of registered companies in Vietnam. It provides a similar amount of information to CN ECIS, but it is generally considered to be more up-to-date.

  • Dữ liệu quốc gia về đăng ký doanh nghiệp (National Business Registration Data): This is a commercial database of registered companies in Vietnam. It is generally considered to be more accurate than the National Business Registration Information Portal, but it is also more expensive.

  • Vietnam Credit Bureau (VNCB): This is a commercial credit bureau that provides subscription-based access to company credit information from Vietnam. It is a good source of information on a company's financial health.

  • Korkiat Zintel
  • Jan 30 2024
  • Needs review
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