CDQ Data Quality as Service

Idea Portal

UI: Password change in the App beside the "forgott passwort process"

"As a User i can only change my passwort, by recieving a "Reset Passwort" trigger, which is sending me an email. Within the Email you have to click on a link which will lead you to a Landing page".


"As a User i would like to get seperated the "Passwort Reset" process from "Forgott Passwort", which should also allow me to change my passwort directly in the app, instead of recieving an email.

  • Onur Dinc
  • May 4 2023
  • Needs review
  • Attach files
  • Marcin Grząka commented
    May 10, 2023 06:26

    Hello Onur,

    In this case, the logging in and password reset is handled by Keycloak, so we might have some restrictions there. I need to check if this is even feasible.

