CDQ Data Quality as Service

Idea Portal

Data Exchange API - Read Business Partners to only receive the “externalId” in the response


we are aiming to have a well working data mirror lifecycle, means the data between our SAP system and our Data Mirror shall be identical at the point we are uploading the data.

To achieve that and to be sure that only active data is in our mirror, we need to ensure that old data get’s deleted.

Therefore, I ask to have a feature flag called “External numbers only” or “Header Data only”.

Reason: Actually if I try to find out which Business Partner Data is in our mirror I have to request 41 messages in each message I get 10k Business Partners.

Even with the deactivated feature FETCH_RECORD the size and runtime of the message is quite high (19MB).

That’s why I request an option to retrieve the header or better only the external numbers for a delta calculation between active and inactive (obsolete) data. Which will be then used to trigger a delete Business Partners post.


  • Feature to only receive the “externalId” in the response, maybe “EXTERNAL_ID_ONLY”

  • If this feature is activated, the number of records in the response should not be limited to avoid unnecessary iterations.

Use Case:

  • A data dump is time consuming in many occasions where a customer only wants to know which records are in the data mirror.

  • Calling all records is way too slow, as the response gets huge and the provided data is not required to identify individual records.

  • Onur Dinc
  • Apr 24 2023
  • Needs review
  • Attach files