CDQ Data Quality as Service

Idea Portal

CUIT (AR) syntax curation

Currently the syntax of the CUIT is not curated. The Golden Record, the Curated Record and the Augmented Record should however provide the official syntax. The AR.NRC provides the identifier without hyphen but the official syntax is nn-nnnnnnnn-n.

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  • Guest
  • Jan 16 2023
  • Needs review
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    January 16, 2023 14:02

    In the Golden Record both, the original value as well as the curated value should be shown. This allows e.g. SAP users to select the value without special characters (especially relevant for some sharing members in regards to CH_UID / CH_VAT_ID).

  • Guest commented
    January 16, 2023 13:57