CDQ Data Quality as Service

Idea Portal

Categorization of public authorities

According to the European e-Invoicing law 2014/55/EU, municipalities and public authorities must switch to sending and receiving electronic invoices. In Germany, invoices to local authorities must be sent electronically from December 2020. Paper invoices or PDF documents via email will no longer be accepted.

For companies with public authorities as customers, it is a challenge to identify such business partners. To support this task, CDQ should provide a categorization service, similar to Natural Person identification, to identify and categorize public authorities.

Open question I, please add your comments: For electronic invoicing in Germany, an identifier of the paying authority, the "Leitweg-ID", is required. This idea is provided e.g. by a purchase, however, it might be helpful to pool such IDs in the Data Sharing Community.

Open question II, please add your comments: To ensure good categorization results, comprehensive lists of authorities are required. Please provide any public sources or proprietary lists which you are allowed to share. Any content help to train CDQ's matchers.

  • Guest
  • Oct 14 2020
  • Future consideration
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  • Alexander Mack commented
    November 17, 2020 09:19

    Hi - this is a great idea. This requires a country specific definition of what is a governmental controlled enterprise or institution. There are many different definition out, e.g. from Legal Service Providers or Credit Rating Institutions. It would certainly be interesting to have a chance to automatically validate the customer classification (KUKLA flag in SAP).

    Re open question I:
    To my knowledge the Koordinierungsstelle für IT-Standards (KoSIT) is currently working on a database to collect and provide a comprehensive list of Leitweg-IDs for Germany. We tried to clarify the publication date with KoSIT but no feedback yet.

    Re open question II:
    My research did not return a comprehensive list on a country level (Bundesländer) but I found the list of companies which are owned or controlled on a BUNDES level:
    Probably, the LÄNDER also provide similar lists but these are not centrally provided. if anyone knows a place where these are issued I would be very much interested.

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