CDQ Data Quality as Service

Idea Portal

API-Endpoint to get all executed "Job-IDs" with Data and Time

We need something as an end-point to receive the "job Ids" for the "Data Validation and Curation Jobs in the Mirror.

it would be a huge added value for our customers. It would be extremely convenient for customers to temporarily call up an endpoint that displays the executed "job IDs" and they can then call up the most recent via the API either via JSON or file.

Use Case:

Show me all "Job IDs" and pick the most recent one, defined by "Date".

This "Job ID" could be used to recieving insights via a seperate API-Call.


If the "Monitor" is running, the user has today no option to open the Job via API, because the "Job ID" is not known. Please provide some solution for that. It is not necessary to trigger a new Job because the user can not call already a created one.

  • Onur Dinc
  • Jul 7 2022
  • Needs review
  • Attach files
  • +2