CDQ Data Quality as Service

Idea Portal

Show multiple branches from Polish business register in the business partner lookup

The polish business register provides a regon number. The regon number can have mulipte branches, e.g.

  • 371161508

  • 37116150800021

  • 37116150800039

So far, the business register only returns one record per regon number. Can you please adjust the search so that the connected branches are shown as well? The regon number can have a long and a short version (see example attached). Here are two scenarios that should be covered.

1. The short version of the regon number is providedThen the business partner lookup should return all branches with its extended version of the regon number. e.g. input: 371161508

Output: 37116150800021 and 37116150800039

2. The long version of the regon number is provided as input: then the match for this regon number should be returned + last 5 digits of the regon number should be removed and all related branches should be listed as matches (with lower score) as result.

  • Christian Käsler
  • Oct 5 2020
  • Planned
  • Attach files
  • +1