CDQ Data Quality as Service

Idea Portal

Enable lookup and validation of EORI codes

We have a request from our Customs clearance group on inclusion of EORI numbers per CID.
EORI is a string identifier documented in
The maintenance of this attribute (creation, correction, query) should be made available on normal management interfaces and APIs of CIP.
An additional requirement is that the identifier should be validated against the official APIs of states. Further information is available in
1. Europe: (other than GB)
2. UK: IDs starting with GB)
For data quality control perspectives there should be regular re-validations of the EORIs in CIP with a frequency to define.

  • Simon Schlosser
  • Feb 1 2022
  • Completed
  • Attach files
  • Oliver Reh commented
    May 18, 2022 07:27

    Question from K+N:

    • it will be required to return the name of the business partner of the EORI number

    • Question: will the service be able to manage this?